Obara Lab @ UC San Diego Integrating technology and biology to link the scales of life.


Our lab works at the interface of technology development and biological discovery. We believe that integrating emerging technologies in diverse fields allows us to tackle the biggest and most interesting questions in biological science. Together with collaborators at UCSD, across the US, and worldwide, we work to combine the newest and most exciting tools in complimentary ways. We love the idea of “something old and something new” in scientific endeavors, so we also make heavy use of classic approaches in molecular biology, biochemistry, and computational approaches. We are always adopting, innovating, and updating our tools, but listed below are some imaging tools we are currently using heavily:

<u>Correlated sptPALM</u>
Correlated sptPALM Single particle tracking-(photoactivation) localization microscopy

Simultaneous imaging of individual proteins or pairs of proteins and their local environment in real time

FIB-SEM Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy

Three-dimensional electron microscopy of freeze-substituted resin-embedded samples

Cryo-CLEM Correlated cryogenic light and electron microscopy

Combining fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy of frozen samples

<u>Dynamic Probability Analysis</u>
Dynamic Probability Analysis Point photoactivation and probability distribution analysis

Combining high speed imaging, simultaneous photoactivation, and probability analysis to understand protein dynamics